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Old 06-23-2012, 12:25 PM   #1
Stopping to get photos of floral Mickey
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Disneyland 2009

I did this book for my trip to Disneyland in 2009. I got a lot of inspiration from this site and wanted to post mine in case it would help someone else. My original plan was to do a fairly simple album since I wanted to use most of my photos. I used the same Jessica Sprague template throughout the book, except for the title page and covers. I ended up doing quite a bit more embellishing than planned but I really love the way the book turned out. I did all 2 page layouts because I just like the way they flow. I broke the book up into sections. The first page is just the intro page and I thought the pic in front of the castle would be a classic intro. However, the first park we visited was California Adventure so I started the book with those pics and just tried to organize it by land. We went to the beach mid week, so that was my dividing point, and then I finished the book with our pics from Disneyland and also separated these out by land. Took me a while to figure out how to organize it so I thought I'd share.

I'll give a little background on the trip too, just because I'm always curious about that in other people's photos. We went on this trip because my husband had a conference to go to in Anaheim. He only went with us to the parks twice because he was working so he's not in many of the photos. We took the two teenage girls with us who are family friends to help out with my son Caleb, who was 3 at the time, at the parks and to babysit one night when we had to go to a dinner. They'd never been to Disney so they were thrilled to go. I hope you enjoy.

Here is my list of credits in no particular order:

Pixar Parade 1&2-JS Template, Paper and Elements-Julie Billingsley, Carnival Thrills

Pixar Parade 3&4- JS Template, Paper and Elements-Julie Billingsley, Carnival Thrills

Buzz 1 & 2-Brittish Designs-Space Ranger paper and elements, MMullens-Adventure Awaits, Star Glitter

Princess 1&2 -stitching-Crystal Wilkerson Sweet Vintage Charm; Papers, pink button and green glittery flourish-Karen Funk Bloom; Flowers and bow-Fee Jardine Happy Days

Buzz 3&4-Brittish Designs-Space Ranger stamp, rocket, and green star; Julie Billingsly In it Together papers (recolored), black glitter flourish

Downtown Disney-JS Template, all papers and elements Julie Billingsly Carnival Thrills

Meeting Minnie-JS Template, all papers from Pritchett and Roselli Amuse Me, Elements from Pritchett and Roselli Amuse Me, all flowers from Julie Billingsley Dream Come True. Letters from Melissa Bennet Mouse Magic

Playhouse Disney-JS Template, papers-Brittish Designs Mouse in the House, Flowers,Buttons, and Brads-Melissa Bennet Mouse Magic, Flower-Julie Billingsley Dream Come True, Black Flourish-Julie Billingsley In It Together

Dumbo Left & Right-Julie Billingsley-Dream Come True

Mad Tea Party-Kristin Cronin Barrow-Garden Party

Golden State-Papers Cosmo Cricket Mr. Campy, Alpha- Crystal Wilkerson Room Collection

Astro Orbiter-Papers-Brittish Designs Space Ranger; Alpha, glitter, and stars-Meghan Mullens Adventure Awaits

Pinocchio’s Daring Adventure-Natalie’s Place Designs-No Strings Attached

Hollywood Studio Backlot(incredibles, sully, and handy many)-Meghan Mullens Adventure Awaits, Kraft Paper-Crystal Wilkerson

Goofing Around-Meghan Mullens-All Treats paper and elements, Kraft Paper-Crystal Wilkerson
Frontierland and Crittercountry-Meghan Mullens Adventure Awaits

Hats off to you-Mouse Magic 1&2 Melissa Bennet

A Bug’s Land-Amuse Me by Libby Pritchett and Heather Roselli

Fantasmic-Carnival Thrills and Dream Come True by Julie Billingsley

Haunted Mansion-Dani Mogstad That Old Black Magic, Traci Reed Wordy Bubbles

Here Comes the Sun-Misty Cato Sunbleached

Huntington Beach- Misty Cato Sunbleached

Meeting Lightning McQueen and Mater-Traci Reed Monster Jam, Traci Reed Fuzzy Wittle Alpha

Fantasyland-Julie Billingsley Dream Come True

What a bunch of Characters-Melissa Bennett Mouse Magic 1&2, Julie Billingsley Oodles of Tags 2

Smile-Pixar Parade-Melissa Bennett Mouse Magic 1&2

Paradise Pier-Kit: Cosmo Cricket Snorkel; Title:Fill ‘Er Up Alpha Template by Darcy Baldwin

Title: Once Upon a Time
Template: Jessica Sprague Holidays in Hand
Kit: Ever After by Julie Billingsley and Jenn Barrette
Fonts: Garamond

Title: Fantasyland
Template: JS Holidays in Hand
Kit: Julie Billingsley Dream Come True
Additional Elements:
Fonts: Garamond

Title: Toy Story Mania
Kit: Julie Billingsley Carnival Thrills
Additional Elements:
Fonts: Giddyup Std; Garamond

Title: Snow White
Kit: Potluck collaboration from Sweet Shoppe Designs

Title: Toontown
Kit: Melissa Bennet Mouse Magic 1&2

Title: Winnie the Pooh
Kit: Brittish Designs Leave the World Behind
Additional Elements: Title, buttons, and ribbon Melissa Bennett Mouse Magic 1&2

Title: Meeting Jessie and Woody
Kit: Julie Billingsley Carnival Thrills
Additional Elements:

Title: Last Night at Disneyland
Template: Jessica Sprague Holidays in Hand
Kit: Ever After by Julie Billingsley and Jenn Barrette
Fonts: Garamond

Tomorrowland-Kit: Dani Mogstad Boy Crazy

Title: Disneyland 2009 Title page
Template: Cindy’s Templates Half Pack #21 by Cindy Schneider
Kit: Simply by Penny Springman
Additional Elements: Blink of an Eye by Traci Reed and Kristin Cronin Barrow-tan ribbon with polka dots, blue ric rac

Title: Disneyland 2009 Photobook Cover
Template: Fiddle Dee Dee Free Bee 18
Kit: Ever After by Julie Billingsley and Jenn Barrette
Fonts: Lobster
Title: Magical Memories
Template: Jessica Sprague Holidays in Hand
Kit: Wonderous by Julie Billingsley

Title: Color Me Happy
Template: Jessica Sprague Holidays in Hand
Kit: Happy Go Lucky by Kristin Cronin Barrow

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Old 06-25-2012, 04:43 PM   #2
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Oh my gosh, you did an amazing job on your photo book!!!! I love the two page spreads and how well the whole book just flows. Very well organized too!
Even though you used the same templates the pages all look so different. Also
love how you were able to use so many photos. Thanks for posting your book, I will use it for inspiration when I finally do a book.

I link to MouseScrappers! 2011 Special Edition pin #7 Wish VoluntEAR - Castle Disney Vacation Club Ursula Blue Bear Minnie Cupcake Big Eyes Tinkerbell

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Old 06-26-2012, 10:32 PM   #3
Just parked the car
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LOVE this photobook!!!!!! this is exactly what i want to do with mine.. i'm just a little bit confused how this whole site works though.. do i buy the templates etc and use them in my own software (I use Paintshop pro and Photoshop CS5).. or do i have to use them with particular software... so confused and don't know where to start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have started doing the proper paper scrapbooking and find it very frustrating, so figured doing it digitally is the way to go...

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Old 07-11-2012, 09:02 PM   #4
Stopping to get photos of floral Mickey
txcorey's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Dallas, TX
Software: Photoshop Elements
Camera: Nikon D90
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Thanks ladies. I worked really hard on it and loved the way it turned out. To answer your question, I bought the template and kits and created the pages in photoshop elements. Once everything was done, I uploaded the pages to shutterfly. You can choose a one photo layout that takes up the whole page. Their process is confusing since they are more in the market to create books on their site, but it can be done. It's a bit of a pain to do the book with them but they are really affordable. Hope that helps.

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