Thread: Disneyland
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Old 09-13-2012, 12:38 PM   #16
In Town Square, envisioning Walt giving his speech
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Regarding Indy, did all of you see it before FastPass came out? It's 'almost' a shame now with the FastPass since you walk through this area really fast now. I think many people just walk by the bamboo pole, for example, without moving it (or waiting around to see what it does).
I feel the same way about Indy - the queue is 1/2 the fun. And it's my favorite ride at the park.

One random note about the rolling ball room. Even though it feels like the car is backing up as the ball is coming at you, it's actually an optical illusion. The car sits stationary while the entire wall (including the ball & Indy hanging above) move towards you. The next time you are on the ride, look off to the side of the car next to the track and you can see it moving.
Thanks for hosting Mickey Bar

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