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Conversation Between tiggernjen and scrappinnewbie
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. scrappinnewbie
    03-11-2011 02:35 PM
    Ugh... I was hopeful that you would be able to take a shower and get life back to normal. So sorry the pain was unbearable. It does sound like the breathing technique came in handy. Hopefully the worse part is behind you and now just concentrate on healing. Thankfully your Son lives close enough to get a relaxing soak. Try to enjoy it!
  2. tiggernjen
    03-11-2011 09:53 AM
    Hi Melinda! Thanks for thinking of me...No I still can't take a shower, but I did get all the tubes out, which hurt like crazy...Thank goodness I took birthing classes when I had my children, because the breathing came in handy when they were taking out the tubes..I can't get me knee wet, they put another bandage on my leg...I can take a bath, but I have to keep my right leg out of the tub...The only thing is my tub is up against the left side of my bathroom.... So I'm going to go over my son's house to soak in his tub... Now I counting down for next Thursday when I go back to the doctors...
  3. scrappinnewbie
    03-11-2011 09:36 AM
    Lyn, How did yesterday go? Were you able to take a shower? You have been on my mind, so please update me on your healing. Sending you big hugs and some pixie dust for a quick recovery.
  4. scrappinnewbie
    12-14-2010 09:35 AM

    Hope you have a fabulous birthday!


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